Invoices and fiscal management


CPED invoice guidelines

  • The Invoice Guidance document includes recommendations and best practices for filling out invoices for the Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Program.

CDPHE invoice documentation checklist

  • CDPHE developed the CDPHE invoice documentation checklist to help organizations document relevant expenditures and avoid potential financial compliance findings as they manage their grant funds. This checklist is a useful tool in identifying the types of documentation needed but does not include all possible documentation.

PSD Compliance Unit frequent audit findings

  • This document provides information to prevent frequent compliance findings and management comments and is available upon request by emailing cdphe_cancer@state.co.us

Budget guidance

The budget must be accurate and explain all expenses included. CDPHE reserves the right to deny requests deemed unnecessary for the implementation of the project.

Email your CPED Organization Lead to request a budget revision or a budget revision form.

Health Navigation and Clinical Services strategies reimbursement and fiscal management documents

  • Documents specific to Health Navigation and Clinical Services strategies reimbursement and fiscal management. (webpage)


Email cdphe_cancer@state.co.us with questions.